Tuesday, December 30, 2008


this christmas, I decided to make my friends terrariums. while doing a google search for some inspiration, I came across Paula Hayes, an artist who seems to concentrate on plants and other living things. The shapes of her terrariums make them so interesting. But a good ol' fish bowl also works well. I bought all of my cacti at IKEA so it was real cheap, too!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Presents

Santa brought me this:

available at La Garconne
And this:

available at jcrew

I'm back

Scott and I have never had real internet, we just kept jumping onto random signals we were getting. But I guess the neighbors figured it out and password protected. Thats why i've been MIA for a while. Anyway, Skottles Claus hooked up the internet for us and I plan blog away.

Monday, December 1, 2008

In the mood for...inspiration

I haven't felt inspired for a long long time. But, I did really like all of the beautiful cheongsams in the film I watched last night "In The Mood for Love." I didn't follow the story at all, but it didn;t matter because I mostly rented it for the way it looked. It pepped me up a bit.

I also like all of the beautiful washed out colors in Lina Scheynius's photos which i just discovered through Tavi's site.