Monday, November 30, 2009

Going Gaga

going gaga
Scott really likes lady Gaga, this isn't her, just a tribute and love letter

Dreams For Sale!

dreams for sale

The Eyes Have It


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Were Fascists Fashists?

I bought this new book at Petulia's Folly called Fashion at the Time of Fascism.  Exploring Italian modernist fashion from the 1920s-40s under Mussolini's regime, you can tell a great deal of research went into this book.  The images are really awesome, but I especially love the scaled down versions of various patterns from the era. 

Aneta Bartos

my friend heather had a spread from Nylon on her inspiration board shot by photographer Aneta Bartos. Her airy, ethereal, vintage aesthetic is totally me!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


silk flowers

she's a rainbow
random pics from my inspiration file

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I dream of running away to paris at least daily

Monday, November 16, 2009

Store Front and the New York Public Library Blog

I sporadically read the New York Public Library' blog because they often have great fashion related postings. Recently, they posted about this book, Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York about specialized family owned shops with unique old time charm in NYC that are sadly on their way to extinction.  It makes me sad knowing that independent businesses cultivated by people that were passionate about their trade are being replaced by the homogenous walmarts and starbucks of the world!  
Support your local businesses ya'll (and your public library's too!)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Feminism Fridays -Sesame Street's ode to the Women's Movement

happy 40th birthday to Sesame Street!  I loved this video "Women Can Be" especially the part:
"Sing it like it is Theresa:'I used to be good with a needle and thread. I'd sew dainty dresses o'blue. Then I got an urgin' to be a great surgeon and now I sew people up too" hilarious.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wendy Bevan

I discovered Wendy Bevan via moodboard
Ok what is the Financial Times and why am I not reading it if there are beautiful editorials like this?????

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bead it

pearlsI went to the Golden Nugget Flea market in Lambertville, NJ with my mom on Saturday. I got some great pearl neck collar thingos. They didn't come up so great when I scanned them, but through the magical powers of photoshop, I transformed the images into this lovely little composition which I think really shows off the beadwork...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shoe in

shoe in
here is an illustration of my absolute favorite shoes right now, the penpal from Rachel Comey at Petulia's Folly. I am so in love that I ordered a pair of the sister shoes, the Bookmark, adorned with cute little tassles.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mad for Mad Men

Ok last night's episode of Mad Men was so good! Episode after episode, this show has not let me down. I've been poking around the Mad Men website and really love the fashion file, which discusses the costumes and a much of the symbolism behind it.

Mary Ellen Mark

months ago, Vice Magazine had a photography issue featuring one of my all time favorite artists, Mary Ellen Mark. Here is what they had to day about my #2 favorite photo by her. (I can never seem to find my favorite)
Vice:I especially love the picture of Tiny on Halloween...
MEM:..its almost like a fashion picture, but its real

Tiny was a poor teenage runaway from Seattle, but I always thought she looked absolutely stunning in this image

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Falling For You

fallI've had this tear since made me think of the perfect fall day...playing in a pile of leaves with my boyfriend
today was the perfect fall day, except I couldn't stop thinking about the future instead of living in the moment, and my boyfriend has too much studying to do to play in the leaves
I guess I'll keep dreaming