Tuesday, December 18, 2007

View Master

If you haven't noticed I'm kind of lazy. The thing about being lazy is that other people beat you to your brilliant ideas. I had the idea a few years ago (at the brink of graduation college) that I would make my porfolio into my very own viewmaster slide. Interactive and compact...how clever. That never happened, but I managed to collect a few viewmaster slides over the years and was especially happy to find viewmasters and viewmaster slides available at nearly every historical landmark while on my road trip this summer.
Anyway, three years later I wasn't too surprised while recently surfing some boutique sites on the web. I came across some handmade viewmaster slides at http://www.bonadrag.com. There are several in the series made by some artists I never heard of. My favorite is the one written and photographed by some guy named Vladimir...it comes with a CD of a band I never heard of. It goes for $24 and is on my list of things I want but won't get for christmas.

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