Monday, January 19, 2009

Some home furnishings I can afford

remember when i posted about the urban outfitters catalog and that I couldn't find the ikat pillow i wanted on the website? of course you don't're probably reading this blog by accident. Anyway, its finally up on the web, but I know if I buy it Scott is going to complain about how we have too many pillows and there isn't even enough room on our couch for even the two of us...


Anonymous said...

I don' think that this is a true ikat, but a printed fabric designed to look like an ikat. You can get relatively inexpensive true ikat pillow covers at

Becky said...
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Becky said...

Ok so I am sure to UO one is not a real ikat...but thanks for the info about fabricadabra...they have some really beautiful true ikat pillow covers

clothesminded said...

hey becky!
i'm not reading this blog by accident....
i like the ikat pillow too:)